
Thefont'scurrentencodingwillbeindicatedwithacheckmark.Youmaychangetheencodingbyselectingadifferententry.Therearetwoslightlydifferent ...,FirstcreateanewfontwiththeNewcommandintheFilemenu(orbyusingthe-newargumentatstartup).../_images/newfont.png.Givethefontanamewiththe ...,TheFontInfodialogisavailablefromallviews.Itallowsyoutonameyourfontandvariousotherusefulbitsofinformation.InaCIDkeyedfont,th...

Encoding Menu — FontForge 20230101 documentation

The font's current encoding will be indicated with a check mark. You may change the encoding by selecting a different entry. There are two slightly different ...

1. Font and glyph creation

First create a new font with the New command in the File menu (or by using the -new argument at startup). ../_images/newfont.png. Give the font a name with the ...

Font Info — FontForge 20230101 documentation

The Font Info dialog is available from all views. It allows you to name your font and various other useful bits of information. In a CID keyed font, things ...


2013年12月19日 — hi, I'm using fontforge through python – generating OTFs from UFOs. when I do font.familyname = familyName font.fullname = familyName + ...

How to modify the style property of a font on Windows?

2008年8月20日 — Open Consola.ttf (the normal style font) in FontForge. Select Element -> Font Info. Change the Fontname, Family Name, and Name ...


2017年8月23日 — The Material Design font achieved this using ligatures. To do this in your own font, first add an unencoded glyph to your font (or use a ...

How do you change a TTF font name?

2010年3月16日 — If you are knowledgeable about fonts and FontForge, correct them if you'd like. Otherwise, simple press “Generate” to continue. The new TTF file ...

Font Tutorial

This tutorial is going to show you how to change the name of a font inside its code, so that it displays with that new name in your font picker, which can solve ...

How to Name Font Families in Fontforge

To change a font name we need to open Fontforge, locate the font, select it and click 'OK'. opening-a-font-in-fontforge ; Ignore and close any warning dialogue ...